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東方神起とCrystal Kayの楽曲を担当したd H.U.B.が参加し■リリース情報 ソ・イングク ジャパンベストアルバム「Last Song」 2015.2.25リリース

<div class="pro_view pro_view_first">
	<img src="/YourImage.jpg" alt="" />
	<div class="pro_mask">
		<h2> Heading </h2>
		<p> Text </p>
		<a href="#" class="pro_btn">Button</a>

Add the special class pro_view_first to the element with the class pro_view for the first effect.

In the second hover we will add the special class pro_view-second, but we will leave the element with the class pro_mask empty and wrap the description in a div with the class pro_content

<div class="pro_view pro_view_second">
	<img src="/YourImage.jpg" alt="" />
	<div class="pro_mask"></div>
	<div class="pro_content">
		<h2> Heading </h2>
		<p> Text </p>
		<a href="#" class="pro_btn">Button</a>

For other hover effects you can use the same HTML structure. You only need to change class pro_view_second to the following ones:
pro_view_third - third effect
pro_view_fourth - fourth effect
pro_view_fifth - fifth effect
pro_view_sixth - sixth effect
pro_view_seventh - seventh effect
pro_view_eight - eight effect

In ninth hover, we will use two pro_mask elements to slide them in from the bottom right and the top left:

<div class="pro_view pro_view_ninth">
	<img src="/YourImage.jpg" alt="" />
	<div class="pro_mask pro_mask-1"></div>
	<div class="pro_mask pro_mask-2"></div>
	<div class="pro_content">
		<h2> Heading </h2>
		<p> Text </p>
		<a href="#" class="pro_btn">Button</a>

Define .pro_view and .pro_mask width and height which match image`s width and height in style.css file.

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Add necessary class to the <a> tag (<a href="#" class=""> Button Text </a>)

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青 鬼 2class="pro_btn pro_success pro_style_1"
キング 観光 長浜class="pro_btn pro_danger pro_style_1"
jpi2486149resized24861-49-7d88b99695eae4de6217-3class="pro_btn pro_inf pro_style_1"
上大岡 アビバclass="pro_btn pro_style_3"
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しゃぶ ようclass="pro_btn pro_inf pro_style_3"
グラン ワールド カップ 米子class="pro_btn pro_style_4"
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キング 金山class="pro_btn pro_danger pro_style_4"
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この曲に想いを込めたかった」 Q6.新曲「Last Song」のミュージックビデオが曲の雰囲気にぴったりでとても気に入っています公開された写真にはイトゥクとユ・セユンがカメラに向かって微笑んでいる姿が収められている

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Circle Image

<span class="pro_image_round"></span>

Card Style

<span class="pro_image_card"></span>

Embossed Style

<span class="pro_image_embossed"></span>

Soft Embossed Style

<span class="pro_image_soft-embossed"></span>

Cutout Style

<span class="pro_image_cut_out"></span>

Morphing & Glowing

<span class="pro_image_morphing_glowing"></span>

Glossy Overlay

<span class="pro_image_glossy"></span>


<span class="pro_image_reflection"></span>


background:url(YourImage.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat;
width:YourImageWidth px;
height:YourImageHeight px;


Lifted Shadow
Perspective Shadow
Raised Block
Shadow with two vertical curves
Shadow with two horizontal curves

Lifted Shadow

<div class="pro_lifted">
	<div class="pro_text-shadow">

Perspective Shadow

<div class="pro_perspective">
	<div class="pro_text-shadow">

Raised Block

<div class="pro_raised">
	<div class="pro_text-shadow">

Shadow with two vertical curves

<div class="pro_curved-vt-2">
	<div class="pro_text-shadow">

Shadow with two horizontal curves

<div class="pro_curved-hz-2">
	<div class="pro_text-shadow">